Our research Group Performance & Cognition recommends the last webinar of the Series Art in Conversation held by the University of St. Andrews, Scotland:

Seminar 5: Embodied cognition (23rd of April 2021 from 1pm to 2:30pm UK time)

This is a multidisciplinary seminar and it is open to all interested in the topic. The idea of embodied cognition in art is based on the assumption that the body plays a crucial role in art engagement. Researchers investigate different embodied mechanisms, which might explain how we experience art. During this seminar, different approaches to embodiment in the context of art will be discussed: the enactive approach and the embodied simulation theory.

This upcoming seminar will be held this Friday (April 23) at 1.00-2.30pm (GMT). Shaun Gallagher (Professor of Philosophy, The University of Memphis and University of Wollongong) and Vittorio Gallese (Professor of Psychobiology and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Parma) will present their talks about “Embodied cognition and art”.    

You can access the seminar here.

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